
Privacy Statement

Who we are

Jackson Cross Partners (JCP) is a leading global provider of commercial real estate services.

Our commitment to privacy

We take our responsibility to protect any personal information provided to us seriously. Your information will never be sold or shared with any other party without your consent. We only keep your information for as long as we need it for legitimate business or legal purposes.

We collect visitor data through Google Analytics. Please link to Google’s privacy policy for details on their tracking. Other data collected is user data provided on the website contact form. This data is used to respond to information requests and your IP address is deleted immediately.

We collect information:

  • Through our website – for example names, addresses or email details through our contact form
  • From meetings with staff or business contacts, such as exchanging business cards, or collecting information at conferences or business events
  • That you provide to us in connection with the services we provide, for example in connection with tenancy or a lease agreement

How we use your information

  • We use your personal information in compliance with all the relevant laws and may use it in one or more of the following ways:
    • We may use the contact information you supply to respond to your requests
    • Where you give us consent, we use personal information to provide you with marketing and advertising about JCP’s services, you can opt out of this at any time by emailing info@jacksoncross.com