
When Amenities Become the Deciding Factor

By definition, an amenity is a desirable or useful feature of a building. They are often listed well below what used to be considered the “essential” facts (price per sq/ft, building size, availability). As Millennials take over as the largest demographic in the work force, tenants and landlords are starting to pay greater attention to … Continued

Flex Industrial Opportunities

In a tight industrial market, there are some flex industrial availabilities here in southeastern Pennsylvania.

What Does Commuting Have to do With Commercial Real Estate?

Let’s give Millennials credit for one good idea: cutting down on commuting. Workers spend about 204 hours a year commuting, at a cost of $2600, according to the Census Bureau. That’s just the average, it doesn’t take into consideration the evitable traffic jam, the construction project or the overturned tractor trailer. No wonder commuting to … Continued

A Family Tradition Begins with the Newest Hire at JCP

The Morrissey Clan has staked a claim on a corner of the Jackson Cross Partners office. Sitting side by side are Founding Partner, John Morrissey and his son, Sean Morrissey, who recently joined the Jackson Cross Brokerage team.

What’s in a Name?

Not all real estate professionals have the same titles. Find out what each title means and which one is best for your real estate needs.

Usable Versus Rentable Space

Goldilocks was lucky, she got to try out each bed until she found the one that was just right. Unfortunately, when it comes to finding the right commercial real estate space, you don’t get to try them out.  Since commercial real estate is one of a company’s biggest expenses and leases are usually signed for … Continued

Lessons Learned from Early FASB Adopters

An interesting finding came out of a recent survey by one of the Big Four accounting firms. Only 8% of 13,000 questioned said they have a good understanding of the recently announced changes to the Lease Accounting Standard. With 92% somewhere between “general understanding” and “haven’t started”, the impending IASB/FASB deadline is going to seem … Continued

What Rent Really Means

In a lease “Rent” is a defined term and its definition from lease to lease varies, depending how the Landlord and their lender accounts for rent, processes payments of expenses, and utilities. Brokers working for landlords have to be careful to understand the “rent” definition, so when modeling the tenants financial obligation the correct escalations, … Continued